Sunday, March 19, 2006

A New Love

I was trying to waste a Saturday by staring at the computer screen, half listening to the TV I could hear on the floor below. My mind was wandering as I waited for my friends to come online, but it was hopeless with the time difference of 6 hours.
And then I heard it.
I heard a perfect example of a soft voice married with mellow acoustic guitar coming from the TV. The song was beautiful, even if all that was sampled during the Bravia commercial was a short ten second clip. I flung my head over the glass balcony that protects from the cut out floor, allowing me to see half of the living room from upstairs. I memorized the brand that was Bravia, and while I still remembered, I typed it in to Google. I also love Google with a passion.

Jose Gonzalez is the artist who sings the song Heartbeats. It's so nice, such a beautiful song. You should check out his album Veneer. I've already ordered mine : )


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